Citizens for WV Election Integrity

Welcome to the Citizens for West Virginia Election Integrity (C4WVEI)!

Our mission is to champion transparent, fair, and secure elections across the state. Established in 2023 by a coalition of dedicated volunteers, C4WVEI is committed to ensuring that every vote cast in West Virginia is legally valid, accurately recorded, and transparently audited.

The Critical Need for Reform

Our right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy. Yet, recent findings reveal significant vulnerabilities in our electoral process. Ranked 30th in the nation for election integrity by the Heritage Foundation, West Virginia is in dire need of reform. The Citizens for West Virginia Election Integrity recognizes this challenge and is spearheading efforts to address these deficiencies through robust legislative action.

Proposed Legislative Reforms

C4WVEI is actively collaborating with members of the West Virginia Legislature to introduce vital election integrity measures. Our proposed reforms aim to address these issues and ensure the integrity of every election. Key proposals include:

• Government-issued photo ID required for in-person and absentee voting
• Citizenship verification for voters

• Mandatory hand-counted paper ballots by precinct

• Audit recording of hand-counts in each precinct

• Elimination of electronic vote tabulation and pollbook systems
• Use of blue ballpoint pens for ballot marking and signatures
• Highly restricted early and absentee voting
• Ban on unsolicited third-party distribution of absentee ballots

• Same-day voting result availability

• Verifiable ballot chain of custody

• Voter ballot audit loop that allows voters to see their cast ballots online

• Forensic audits for suspicious races

Urgency of the Situation

Recent scientific surveys indicate that a majority of U.S. citizens distrust our election process. Reports from Rasmussen show that 20% of mail-in voters in the 2020 election admitted to engaging in voter fraud. Additionally, a June 2024 survey reveals that 66% of voters believe the outcome of the 2024 Presidential Election will be affected by cheating.

These alarming statistics underscore the urgent need for legislative reform in West Virginia and across the nation.

C4WVEI urges all West Virginia residents to support these legislative initiatives to ensure our elections are fair, transparent, and secure.

By passing these reforms, West Virginia can set the "Gold Standard" for election integrity in the United States.

Identified Vulnerabilities

C4WVEI has identified multiple vulnerabilities in the state’s election processes. In collaboration with the WV Secretary of State, the WV Legislature, and county election officials, C4WVEI is working to help address these issues. Our focus areas include voter registration and canvassing, strengthening voter ID requirements, ensuring trusted vote intake and tabulation practices, auditable vote counting, and accurate reporting of results to voters.


Citizens for West Virginia Election Integrity (C4WVEI) is a grassroots organization dedicated to advocating for transparent, fair, and secure elections in West Virginia. Comprised of concerned citizens from across the state, C4WVEI is committed to ensuring that every vote is legally cast, accurately counted, and thoroughly audited in compliance with state laws. Our mission is to restore and uphold public trust in the electoral process by promoting robust election integrity measures and working closely with legislators, election officials, and community members. By fostering a system of accountability and transparency, C4WVEI strives to make West Virginia a national leader in election integrity.


Citizens for West Virginia Election Integrity (C4WVEI)

  • 2231 Saint Leo Road

    Mannington, West Virginia


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Frequently Asked Questions

Citizens for West Virginia Election Integrity (C4WVEI) was formed by concerned residents who recognized the need for more transparent, secure, and fair elections across the state. Since our founding in late 2023, we’ve been dedicated to advocating for reforms that ensure every vote cast is legally valid, accurately counted, and fully auditable. Our commitment is to work with lawmakers, election officials, and fellow West Virginians to restore public trust in the electoral process. Whether you’re curious about why election reforms are necessary, the specific changes we’re proposing, or how you can get involved, we’ve compiled a set of frequently asked questions to help explain our mission and the impact we’re working to achieve.

Why was Citizens for West Virginia Election Integrity (C4WVEI) formed?

C4WVEI was founded in late 2023 by concerned citizens from across the state who saw a critical need for stronger election integrity in West Virginia. Our goal is to ensure that every vote cast is legally valid, accurately counted, and transparently audited. By working with lawmakers and election officials, we aim to aim to improve public trust in the electoral process and make West Virginia a leader in election transparency.

What specific reforms are you advocating for?

We are advocating for several key reforms, including requiring government-issued photo IDs for voting, verifying citizenship for voter registration, allowing voters to audit their ballots anonymously, and hand-counting paper ballots in every precinct. We also propose eliminating electronic vote tabulation to prevent hacking and ensuring a verifiable chain of custody for ballots.

Why do you believe election reforms are necessary in West Virginia?

West Virginia currently ranks 31st (tied) in the nation for election integrity, according to the Heritage Foundation. This ranking highlights significant vulnerabilities in our election process. Without reforms, voter confidence erodes, and we risk undermining the democratic process. Our reforms are designed to make elections more secure, transparent, and trustworthy for all West Virginians.

What role do you see technology playing in future elections?

While technology can improve many aspects of our lives, it also opens up vulnerabilities, especially when it comes to electronic vote tabulation. We believe that eliminating machines in favor of hand-counted paper ballots will eliminate the risk of hacking and ensure that election results are both transparent and accurate. Additionally, we propose allowing voters to anonymously verify their ballots online as a transparency measure.

How do you respond to concerns that some of your proposals, like stricter voter ID laws, could disenfranchise voters?

We believe that securing elections and making sure that every vote cast is legal is essential to democracy. That said, we support policies that balance security with accessibility. Our proposals include measures to ensure all voters, including those with disabilities or limited access to IDs, can participate in the process. We are committed to maintaining voter access while also protecting against fraud.

What evidence do you have of voter fraud in West Virginia?

While West Virginia has not experienced widespread voter fraud, reports from national surveys indicate that many voters are concerned about potential fraud. In a June 2024 survey, 66% of voters believed the 2024 Presidential Election could be influenced by cheating. Additionally, the Heritage Foundation ranks our election integrity 31st in the nation, underscoring the need for proactive measures to protect our election process.

How do you plan to work with the West Virginia Legislature and state officials?

We are already in discussions with members of the West Virginia Legislature and the Secretary of State’s office to draft and promote legislation that addresses election integrity. Our aim is to collaborate with all relevant parties, including county election officials, to ensure that these reforms are practical, enforceable, and ultimately improve voter confidence.

What impact do you expect these reforms will have on voter turnout?

We believe that increasing transparency and trust in the election process will encourage more citizens to participate. When voters trust that their vote is being counted fairly and securely, they are more likely to engage in the democratic process. Our reforms are designed to enhance voter confidence, which will likely lead to higher turnout and more civic involvement.

What makes West Virginia’s election process different from other states?

Like many states, West Virginia has strengths and weaknesses in its election system. However, the state's ranking in election integrity shows that we have room for improvement. We want to make West Virginia a national leader in election transparency by implementing a "gold standard" for election integrity. This would not only benefit our state but serve as a model for others.

How can West Virginians get involved with C4WVEI’s efforts?

We welcome all West Virginians to join our efforts to ensure secure, transparent, and trustworthy elections. Citizens can visit our website, follow us on social media, or attend local meetings and events. We encourage everyone to participate in discussions and advocacy efforts to support the reforms needed to protect the integrity of our elections.

What are the biggest challenges you face in implementing these reforms?

One of the main challenges is overcoming political resistance and misinformation. Election integrity can be a divisive issue, and we want to ensure that the conversation remains focused on improving the system for all West Virginians, regardless of political affiliation. We are committed to working with all stakeholders to implement practical, nonpartisan solutions that restore trust in the voting process.


Join us in our mission to protect democracy and ensure that every voice is heard and counted accurately. Together, we can make West Virginia a leader in election integrity and restore public confidence in our electoral system. For more information and to get involved, please explore our site and connect with us through our social media channels. Your participation is vital to safeguarding the future of our democracy.

Citizens for WV Election Integrity